日付:2023年12月01日 (金) 00:00
【Prohibited Actions】
〜 Shinjuku Secret Base 〜
【Prohibited Actions】
We kindly ask everyone to read this once again.
Greetings from Shinjuku Secret Base.
Thank you for your continued patronage.
We believe that the majority of our customers always adhere to the rules, but we would like to remind you of the prohibited actions at Shinjuku Secret Base.
We would appreciate it if you could take a moment to read the following.
Full-service (sex)・Coercion
Exchange of Contact Information
Communication between customers and therapists is limited to Twitter DMs. Exchanging contact information such as LINE or phone numbers outside of Twitter is strictly prohibited without exception. If you do not use Twitter, please contact our reception.
Transactions and Free Meetings Outside the Establishment
Engaging in transactions directly with customers or meeting them outside the establishment, as well as providing services for free, are strictly prohibited without exception.
Coercion for Free Extensions
Coercion or persistent requests for transactions outside the establishment, free meetings, or free extensions are also strictly prohibited without exception. If therapists or the establishment determine any malicious behavior, the use of all Secret Base Group stores will be suspended.
Eavesdropping and Voyeurism
Eavesdropping or voyeuristic actions, whether directed at the therapist or their belongings, are strictly prohibited. In the event of eavesdropping or voyeurism, we will promptly report it to the police.
Scouting and Poaching
Malicious solicitation and scouting activities are prohibited, even if they are not within the same industry. If therapists or the establishment determine any malicious behavior, the use of all Secret Base Group stores will be suspended.
Also, we kindly request that you avoid canceling reservations as much as possible.
For those who repeatedly cancel or change dates multiple times, we may restrict future reservations to same-day bookings only. In some cases, this may result in the suspension of your use of Shinjuku Secret Base in the future.
At Shinjuku Secret Base, we aim to maintain a safe and secure environment for both therapists and clients by adhering to established rules. If any violations occur, including actions by therapists, please contact us promptly.
We appreciate your continued support with Shinjuku Secret Base.
PHONE: 0362644662
LINE: https://line.me/ti/p/la-rocx_O4
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