7/27 13:17 UP! Let’s do it♪(*^o^*) YUU(ユウ)(29)

Hello (^O^)
How are you doing?
It’s super hot, isn’t it?!!
By the way, (今日は気分を変えて英語で)
Do you have any plans for this summer️
I have so many things I want to do️
This is the list of what I want to do in this summer
1. Go camping with someone I like
I wanna spend the time in the great outdoors️
2. Go to summer festival with someone I like
Tell me if festivals take place somewhere in Hiroshima
3. Go to a nice beach with someone I like such as Tsunoshima in Yamaguchi
I want to try night walking on a beautiful beach ️
4. Host a movie night
I want to take a vote on which movie, have all the drinks and snacks prepared, and enjoy the night with someone I like
5. Light fireworks with someone I like
Especially, I really like to play with”Senko-Hanabi”
6. One summer love ️
I wanna get the butterflies this summer ️
That’s it!!
Thank you for reading
Lastly, could you be someone for me??!
Let’s do it together
How are you doing?
It’s super hot, isn’t it?!!
By the way, (今日は気分を変えて英語で)
Do you have any plans for this summer️
I have so many things I want to do️
This is the list of what I want to do in this summer
1. Go camping with someone I like
I wanna spend the time in the great outdoors️
2. Go to summer festival with someone I like
Tell me if festivals take place somewhere in Hiroshima
3. Go to a nice beach with someone I like such as Tsunoshima in Yamaguchi
I want to try night walking on a beautiful beach ️
4. Host a movie night
I want to take a vote on which movie, have all the drinks and snacks prepared, and enjoy the night with someone I like
5. Light fireworks with someone I like
Especially, I really like to play with”Senko-Hanabi”
6. One summer love ️
I wanna get the butterflies this summer ️
That’s it!!
Thank you for reading
Lastly, could you be someone for me??!
Let’s do it together
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