女性専用風俗 群馬秘密基地 (出張専門) | 【About the Number of Nominations⭐︎】



日付:2023年12月01日 (金) 00:00

【About the Number of Nominations⭐︎】

〜 Gunma Secret Base 〜

About the Number of Nominations⭐︎

We will explain the system for nomination fees in detail‼︎


Thank you for your continued support. This is Gunma Secret Base!


For those who are using our services for the first time, we sometimes receive feedback that the system can be a bit complex or that the fees are unclear. This time, we will introduce the concept of "the number of nominations” based on the course duration.


We offer various courses as listed in the table below: 70, 90, 120, 150, and an overnight course!


The number of nominations varies depending on the course duration.


In the Secret Base Group:

・70-minute course (cannot be combined with other courses)
・90-minute course (can be combined with other courses)
・120-minute course (can be combined with other courses)
・150-minute course (can be combined with other courses)
・Overnight course (can be combined with other courses)

These are the only course settings available.



Course  11:00AM – 4:00AM

70-min course 10,000

Limited to use in Shinjuku.

If you wish to meet up, this policy does not apply.


90-min course 15,000

120-min course 20,000

150-min course 25,000




Course 1:00AM – 9:00AM

Overnight Stay Course 50,000


If you wish for a session of 180 minutes or more, it can be arranged by combining different courses. 


For example:

・3 hours (180 minutes) = 90-minute course x 2
・5 hours (300 minutes) = 150-minute course x 2
・7.5 hours (450 minutes) = 150-minute course x 3

Please note that the nomination fee will also multiply accordingly (e.g., x2, x3, x4, etc.). However, for the overnight course, the nomination fee is fixed at x2.


For instance:

If you choose a 3-hour session, it will be guided as a 180-minute course. As per the set course configurations mentioned earlier, the 180-minute course is equivalent to two 90-minute courses. Therefore, the nomination fee will be calculated based on the number of courses, resulting in a fee for two sessions.


First-time nomination fee: ¥1,000-

Regular nomination fee: ¥2,000-


If you have any further questions or uncertainties when making a reservation, feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!





OASIS オアシス