女性専用風俗 鹿児島秘密基地 (出張専門) | Purpose and Effects of Fantasy Massage
営業時間: 11:00〜翌4:00

Purpose and Effects of Fantasy Massage

The main goal of fantasy massage is to find new sexual zones in women and develop them further.

We also want to increase the sensitivity of existing sexual zones and let them know the true joy of sex.


Sexual desire is one of the three most important human desires (appetite, sleep, and sex).


Fantasy massage has the effect of activating and stabilizing female hormones through the feeling of excitement and crush, and makes a person beautiful from the inside.

Especially for women, this stabilization of female hormones is an important issue for surviving menopause.


Do you really have the right knowledge about sex, sexuality, and your body (or your man's body)?

Misguided knowledge and assumptions are often the cause of incompatibility (sex) with partners.

If you wish, we offer free consultations on these matters.


In addition, we can also provide guidance on the best acupressure points and pressure points for women's specific symptoms.

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サービス案内 料金システム
スケジュール すぐ会える即メン
セラピスト紹介 ランキング
イベント 前日予約状況
口コミ 求人案内
よくあるQ&A メールマガジン
利用施設説明 お問い合わせ
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